Fix and Prevent Roof Ice Dams and Roof Water Damage

How Roof Ice Dams Cause Water Damage
When ice dams occur, water backs up behind them. As it backs up, it can work its way through cracks and under shingles. You can see it running out of soffits or through ceilings and/or walls. Additionally, it flows over the dam, forming icicles. Water can drip onto sidewalk areas and refreeze when it hits the cold surface. Ice dams do their damage when there is running water (melted snow) on the roof. This same running water is needed to activate the deicer to form a brine and work through the ice dam.

How Ice Melters Work
When ice melters dissolve in the running water, they lower the freezing point of the water. Every ice melter acts differently. The key is to use the correct material to match the intended performance. Roof ice melters must be non-damaging to the roofing system and the vegetation below (where it runs off). It should not stain the roof and must be easy to put in place.
For removal of an ice dam already in place, begin at step 1
For proactive/preventative measure before ice has formed, skip to step 3
Step 1 Liquid

Spray or pour Liquid in rain gutters, drop outlets & downspouts, and where ice dams
have accumulated.
Step 2 Pellets

Pour Pellets above ice dam to create a better flow of water through the ice dam.
Step 3 Sleeves

Place Sleeves in any direction above and near where the ice dam forms, or can be placed directly in the gutter.
Step 1 Liquid
When to use
Use to cut through dams fast and at cold temperatures. It will cut the ice and help create flow in gutters and downspouts.
Where and how to place
Pour concentrate above ice dam. Pour slowly in one area to burrow under the ice to release built up water.
How much to use
A half-gallon will lower the freezing point of 3 quarts of water to 0°F, 8 quarts of water to 22°F, and 4 gallons of water to 30°F.
How fast does it work
Immediately goes to work.
How safe is it
It is safe on all materials and biodegrades at warm temperatures.
Package size
Included in Green Earth Ice Dam Kit
1 gallon bottles (4 per case)
55 gallon drum
265 gallon totes
Step 2 Pellets
When to use
Use on large roofs or large ice dams and when quicker reaction is desired.
Where and how to place
Pour two to three pounds in a pile behind or above the ice dam.
How much to use
Each pound of material will dissolve approximately two pounds (one quart) of water at -8°F or ten pounds (five quarts) of water at 23°F.
How fast does it work
It works faster than the Ice Dam Sleeve, but doesn’t last as long.
How safe is it
It is safe and non-corrosive. It biodegrades in warm weather.
Package size
Included in Green Earth Ice Dam Kit
9 lb Shaker jug (4 per case)
Step 3 Sleeves
When to use
Before ice dams form (early winter) or after they have already formed.
Where and how to place
Place the two-pound Sleeves in any direction above and near where the ice dam forms, or can be placed directly in the gutter.
How much to use
Every 10-20 feet. The more ice build up, the more sleeves you may need to use.
How fast does it work
Time release action, used as a preventative measure to keep a channel open in the ice.
How safe is it
It is extremely safe and noncorrosive. It biodegrades at temperatures above 50°F.
Package size
Included in the Green Earth Ice Dam Kit
3 – pack
6 – pack
Case of 15